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The Principal's Newsletter

Year 2 EOTC to West Tang Market and Museum

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

IB Open Day for Y10-12. There is an International Baccalaureate (IB) Open Day at Hanova on Monday, 11th May.  The morning will consist of an introduction to the school and its academic programmes in the Secondary and a tour of the facilities.  There will then be an opportunity to ask the management staff and students any questions, before there is an introduction to 8 of the Diploma Programme (DP) subjects on offer next year, our inaugural DP year.  There will also be an introduction to the three essential elements of Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the demands of the Extended Essay (EE) and the breadth and outreach of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS).  Visitors will get an insight to the opportunities and demands of the IB Diploma Programme, the gold standard in gaining admission to top universities across the world.  All are welcome to attend, although the day will be especially appropriate to parents and students moving into Y11 (grade 10) or Y12 (grade 11) next year. If you know of anyone outside the immediate school community who may be interested in finding out more please let them know.  They will be most welcome to attend or find out more about the event by contacting the school – Hilary Hao ( or on telephone 13992835848)

Book and Sports Equipment Drive. On May 19-25th, our Year 7-9 students will be going to Yangshuo, China, as part of Hanova’s Education Outside of the Classroom programme. Students will be engaged in a variety of learning and physical activities as well as Community Service at a poorly financed local school. In order to do the most effective Service that we can, we would like to bring along some books and sports equipment that we would leave for these students after we return to Hanova.

Please go through your books with your children and see if there are any books that are in good shape that could be donated. We are looking for books that are gently used, educational and suitable for English language beginners. Most of the students at the school in Yangshuo are Year 1-6 age and have limited English skills, so picture books in English or Chinese would be very welcome.

We also plan to bring along sports equipment such as soccer balls and basketballs so that we can help Yangshuo students get exercise and enjoyment through sports and games. Any sports equipment that is in good shape and is easily portable will find a good home if you wish to donate.

If you wish to donate funds that will be used to purchase new books and sports equipment, that would also be welcomed.

A large Donation Box for books and sports equipment is located outside the Reception Office. If you would like to donate cash, please leave it in a sealed envelope labelled “Donation for Yangshuo” with Ms Lucy Liu or Ms Zena Yang in the Reception Office. Donations can be accepted until May 18th.

Thank you in anticipation of your support for this Book and Sports Equipment Drive.

Secondary School Exams. These are running from 4th-8th May for Y10-12 and 12th-15th May for Y7-9. 

The older students in the school have been working hard in their exams to demonstrate what they have learned and understood during the year.  Having such a formal situation is a real challenge for any student, particularly when the exam is not in their first language.  We do hope the students are able to demonstrate what they have understood and have spent sufficient time revising to be able to indicate their grasp of concepts.  Although this is not the normal mode of everyday working in an IB school it is good discipline for students as they work towards taking external exams.

As indicated in last week’s newsletter there will be no Primary assemblies on 8th and 15th May as the auditorium is in use for exams.

Y2 Trip to West Tang Dynasty. On Tuesday, April 28th the Year 2 class enjoyed a field trip to the West Tang Market Museum 大唐西市.  Their Unit of Inquiry has been learning about explorers and how their discoveries impact the world.  The students enjoyed looking at typical items that would have been brought back and forth to China along the Silk Road.  Some of the favourite items for the students were the silk dresses, the many old coins of all different shapes, a blue/gray life-sized horse and a giant drum with a flower on it. 

PYP Read-a-thon. The Read-thon tracking links are on display in the corridors and it is impressive to see how well the children are responding so far to the Read-a-thon challenge.  This Read-a-thon is a reading challenge to get Primary Years Programme (PYP) students to read more books at home and to foster a further love of reading. It started on the Friday before last and carries on to May 22nd.  So, please remember to keep on progressing with it.  The students are reading as many minutes in English as they can throughout the four weeks.  They can track their reading time on the coloured tracking sheet given to them by their teacher.  When they return the tracking sheet to school, they will receive a new one.  For children who cannot read or those that have a text too difficult for them to decode, please feel free to read to them and talk to them about the book.  We would like the whole PYP to participate.  If you have any questions about the programme, feel free to contact the homeroom teacher.

Y10-12 Residential Information Session. There will be a meeting for parents and students in Y10-12 on Friday, 8th May at 9:00am in the auditorium.  This is to notify attendees of changes in the equipment list and itinerary.  As parents of students from Y10-12 will already know a decision has reluctantly been taken to rearrange the planned visit to Sichuan.  This was owing to safety and supply concerns following the recent tragic Nepalese earthquake.  A residential is still going ahead in the same week, but the destination has been changed to Yangshuo.  The company with which we have been working have run many trips to Yangshuo so it is relatively easy to arrange at short notice.

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events                

Monday, 4th to Friday, 8th Year 10-12 Exams

Friday, 8th                       Y10-12 Residential Information update session for parents and students 9:00am

Friday, 8th                       No Primary Assembly

Monday, 11th                IB Open Day for Diploma Programme 9am-4pm

Tuesday, 12th to Friday, 15th Year 7-9 Exams

Tuesday, 12th to Sunday, 17th Year 10-13 Residential to Yangshuo

Friday, 15th                    No Primary Assembly

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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