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The Principal's Newsletter

International Day Spring 2016

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

After the short May Holiday, last week was still full of events and activities, with the end of the school year quickly approaching. Hereafter the news related to this past week.

International Day Celebration. Friday 29th April Hanova has celebrated International Day, recognizing all the different nationalities and culture present in our school and starting with a morning parade behind each flag. A full day of activities, representing different countries, has kept all busy until lunch – when plenty of food was available for our students, staff, parents and members of the community. The day finished with sports activities in Secondary School and with a nice International Assembly in Primary. See also the photo gallery on our web site.

Secondary School Production. The Secondary School production is scheduled for the 3rd June: it has been completely prepared and organized by teachers and students: we are hoping for a big turnout to praise their effort for this school première. In addition, all the proceedings made from ticket sales, will go to help refugees through the efforts of Leo Hu’s (Year 10) Service & Action project.

Graduation Assembly. Graduation Assembly will be held on Friday 20th May starting at 1.45pm in the auditorium. It will be a celebration of the achievements of our Year 13 student Gerald Kim. We are looking forward to sharing with the entire Secondary School and with his family this significant event.

Year 11 Prom. As our Secondary School grows, we must start organizing all the Hanova’s gala events.

The Year 11 Prom will be held on the 10th June. All parents of Year 11 are invited to join the Year 11’s and other senior students, as well as some Secondary teachers, as we celebrate the end of the middle years curriculum and their passing into the final stage of their school-based education, the IB Diploma!

Yearbook. Students and teachers may ask for your assistance as they work on our Year Book 2015/16. We intend to deliver these before the end of the academic year. For additional information on your copy, address any inquiry to our Liaison officer Ms. Yang (

Education Out Of The Classroom Activities. Please remember to return the EOTC permission forms as soon as possible to assist our preparations.

School Uniforms. We remind to parents again that students should be in school uniform: please help us by monitoring what your child wears to school and ensure that s/he is dressed according to our dress code.

Transportation Notice. We will make some changes to improve the safety of the walking transfer from our school gate to the Bodi main gate: we will ask your help to ensure your child(ren) follow the new guidelines, and we will send out a notice to the parents whose child(ren) are taking the school bus. For additional information and feedback, please contact our Liaison officer Ms. Yang (

Security. A reminder about our strengthened security measures on campus: parents and visitors must enter on campus only with ID and wearing a badge. Please make sure to send the requested photo to our Liaison officer Ms. Yang (

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these upcoming events during the month of April and May:

Sunday, May 15th                 Secondary Sport Competition at XHIS

Friday, May 20th                  Graduation Assembly

Saturday, May 21st               Secondary Sport Competition at XIS

Saturday, Jun 4th                 SAT Examination

Saturday, Jun 11th                School Carnival

Friday, Jun 17th                    Last day of school

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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