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The Principal's Newsletter

Year 6 students host exhibition

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

This past week was full of activities, related to the approaching conclusion of the school year. Secondary students were involved in end of year assessments, while in Primary we had our first ever PYP Exhibition. Hereafter the news and the activities information related to this week and in preparation of the last events in May and June.

Hanova Year 6 Exhibition 2016.  Last Thursday and Friday we had our school’s first and very successful PYP Exhibition, organized by the Year 6 students around the theme “Who we are”. All the students’ projects were on display in our school lobby, to allow other students, staff, parents and external guest to see the results and ask questions. Friday morning parents had the opportunity to assist to the presentations in the Year 6 classroom, where the students have illustrated their solutions to real-life, transdisciplinary, important issues. Congratulations to our teachers and students for the outstanding results!

SAT Test.  The first SAT test in Hanova will be administered on 4th June from 8:30 a.m. to 11:45am, specifically for students of our school. All test takers should arrive in school by 7:45am, because the test room door will be closed at 8:00am with no possibility to enter afterwards. Test takers should bring following items on test day: Printed Admission Ticket (electronic copies are not allowed); acceptable photo ID; two No.2 pencils with soft erasers (pens or mechanical pencils are not allowed); for Math sections / tests only: acceptable calculator. For any question, please contact our University Counselor and SAT Supervisor Ms. Zhu (

Secondary School Play.  Hanova Secondary students will present their original school production: “Can You Hear Us? A Refugee story”, a dramatic collection of refugee stories from around the world and the individuals and groups who are helping. The play will be on Friday June 3rd at 6:00pm. Tickets are ¥30 per person or ¥80 for a family. All proceeds will be donated to the Carter Center, a non-profit organization that seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts.

Secondary Sports.  On Saturday 21st May our Secondary Football and Basketball teams went to XIS, to play a friendly football match and then a friendly basketball match. XIS won the football game, while Hanova won the basketball match. The team captains and students will provide a detailed account of the events, which will be published soon while photos will appear in our web site galleries.

School Carnival.  A reminder to the Hanova community that our annual School Carnival event is cancelled this year.

A letter providing information on this event will be sent home this week. Any food contributions will be greatly appreciated, thus please return the Food Request form to homeroom teachers as soon as possible. The Committee is also collecting items for the Carnival Yard Sale. Carnival Tickets and Lunch Tickets will be on sale soon at the Reception desk and will also be available on the day of the event. Talent Show auditions will soon start, to prepare the final performance during the event. Students will be notified which day they will show their performance to Talent Show judges, including the costumes they plan to wear during the performance. To start the Carnival fundraising before the event, the school will encourage two “Spirit Days”, which allow students to wear special clothing if they make a donation of 10 RMB each day.

  • Monday 6th June: Crazy Hat Day. Students wear a hat along with the proper school uniform (no exceptions). House points will be awarded to one student in each class wearing the silliest hat. Creativity is encouraged!
  • Friday 10th June: Rainbow Day. This is a non-uniform day for those who wish to participate. House points will be awarded to one student in each class wearing as many colors as possible.

ECAs.  This Wednesday May 25th was our final ECA day for this school year. Wednesday buses will now leave at same time as during other days.

School Uniforms.  We remind to parents again that students should be in school uniform. If you have any problem please don’t hesitate to contact our Liaison officer Ms. Yang (

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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