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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova hosts ACAMIS visit

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Hereafter the news and the activities information related to this past week, the first after the break for China’s National Holiday:

ACAMIS Visit.  On Thursday 13th, we hosted Mr. Tom Ulmet, Executive Director of ACAMIS (The Association of China and Mongolia International Schools), who came to Hanova for the Site Visit required after we completed the application to become a member of ACAMIS.

ACAMIS was conceived in 1999 by few schools in China and Mongolia, which were looking to have their athletic teams participate in post-season tournaments. The first event was hosted by the Western Academy of Beijing in May 2000 with seven schools participating in basketball and soccer tournaments and a mile-long run. A few weeks later, the first annual general meeting (AGM) was held at Xiamen International School on the southern coast of China in Fujian Province. To further extend the idea of friendly collaboration and competition, additional drama, public speaking, and Earth Day symposium workshops were sponsored during the 2000-2001 school year. Today ACAMIS has over 70 school members and continues to grow, despite the strict requirements to accept new member schools: we think it will be an excellent opportunity to increase the exchanges and activities with other international schools in China. For more information visit .

We are now expecting the Site Visit Report with recommendations from the Executive Director and ACAMIS Board. The results will be released in December and we will inform you all accordingly.

University Visits. Illinois Wesleyan University in the US and King’s College London in the UK have visited Hanova this week. Admission officers gave our Y9 – Y13 students informative presentations and it was a good opportunity for students to know more about the global higher education. Our student leaders Jimmy Li and Emily Chen were the student ambassadors for these two universities.

The Illinois Wesleyan University is an independent undergraduate liberal arts college located in Bloomington, Illinois. Founded in 1850, it offers over 80 majors, minors and programs in the liberal arts, the business, the fine arts, the nursing and eight-professional areas. Illinois Wesleyan University is very generous on giving scholarships and financial aid: over 96% of students receive grants from the school.

King’s College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom. King’s College is regarded as one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary research universities and it’s a member of the Russell Group. The average IB score they required for admission is 35. For details about subject-specific grades and for the requirements to waive the IELTS test (for students following the English A or English B courses), please contact our University Counselor Ms. Zhu ( ).

By inviting universities from all over the world to Hanova, we want to encourage our students to see the world, to think about their life after graduating from Hanova, to prepare their mindset as future university students. We would also like parents to be involved in these events since you are the most important people supporting their choice.

MYP Information Sessions.  A calendar of Information Sessions is being prepared, to increase the communication to our parents and the community about the details of each programme offered in our school.

Parents of MYP students (Year 7 – Year 11) are invited to participate to the MYP Parent Info Sessions, all scheduled on Wednesday afternoons.

This week, on 12th October, parents of our Year 11 students were invited to the first session where we discussed the Personal Project. The Year 11 Personal Project Exhibition will be held early in March and this year we are hoping that it will be a real extravaganza!

The second Parent Info Session will be held on the 19th October and it will be about how we assess students in the MYP. It is very important that you understand assessment so that you understand the first half-semester reports, which will be available on Managebac on the 26th October.

More parent info sessions will be scheduled next semester. For inquiries and clarifications related to the MYP, please contact directly Mrs. Trull (

International Day.  On Saturday, October 22nd the school will celebrate International Day, to recognize all the nationalities we have in our campus and to promote our International Mindedness, a key characteristic of IB schools and students.

As a truly international community and global citizens, we represent over 30 nationalities and would like to take this opportunity to celebrate our diversity and share some cultural experiences.

We have a varied programme and are planning to offer food, activities and a sports tournament in recognition of our International Mindedness.

Each Homeroom has chosen to represent a different country and all staff and students are asked to dress in either the colors of their flag or national dress for a parade that will open the event.

Homeroom teachers will be in touch and letters will be sent with more detail and suggestions as to how students and families may contribute to the day.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.  Since early 2016, Hanova is an officially licensed center for the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, and we now have our first group of participants to the Award!

As required by the Award, Hanova participants are now in the planning phase before actually starting every activity, and our Award Leader Ms. Hou is helping them with the planning process, while there will also be professional supervisors to assess the requirements for participation time, the degree of difficulty and level of commitment in order to help students to gain the Award.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the world’s leading achievement award for young people, especially students who are 14 years and up, bringing together practical experiences and life skills to create committed global citizens and equipping young people for life. Encourage your children to participate in the Award: they will achieve something special, of which they will be very proud in the future! For further information, contact Ms. Hou ( ) directly.

Sports.  During October and November the Hanova teams will play and compete in a dense calendar of activities and events. A friendly basketball match on Hanova campus, organized on Friday 14th, will kick off a series of tournaments on campus and outside: all student athletes are encouraged to commit with a strong spirit, and parents are encouraged to attend, cheer and support.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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