Hereafter the news and notices about last week’s activities.
Library News. During last week, all Primary students celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday, which was 2nd March, supported by our Primary Library Teacher, Ms. Bai. She read Dr. Seuss’s books during the library lesson time and guided the Primary students to make posters for Dr. Seuss’s birthday.
Buddy Reading in the PYP. On alternate Fridays Upper Primary PYP students visit their Buddy classes in the Early Years and read together as part of our Pastoral Care programme in Primary School. It is an opportunity not only to practice reading skills but also to demonstrate attributes of the Learner Profile such as Caring and Open Mindedness.
Science in Year 4. Year 4 students have been busy in the Secondary science labs, practising their science skills using graduated cylinders to measure and transfer “precise” amounts of liquids as part of their learning about volume.
Year 11 Personal Project. The Year 11 Personal Project is the culminating experience of the IB MYP, and is undertaken by every MYP student in the world. It reflects everything that we hope to have taught during the five years of the MYP.
Each student researches something which s/he finds interesting and after that produces a product. This year our students have produced some amazing things: two songs, a magazine, an e-book, an architectural model of the perfect home, a dress, two videos and baby hats for charity. Each one has done something, which was a challenge to her or him. We are very impressed by the quality of their products, the thought and time each student committed to the project and the way they have managed their time! We will be able to share this with the broader community on the 24th of March. All parents are welcome to join for the MYP Personal Project Exhibition.
House Activities. We already had a number of successful house competitions this year.
In Primary, January’s trivia competition went well with Song claiming the most points in the event. We are now all eager to see which house will have the longest reading chains for our school wide read-a-thon. On the 29th of March we will have the next inter-house football event, another opportunity for players to show the PYP attitude of cooperation as well as enthusiasm for their house. We all look forward to a fun series of games.
In Secondary, this week we had the inter-house football tournament, and an event report from the house captains will be published next week.
Secondary Assemblies. In Secondary, we have now concluded a series of Celebration of Success Assemblies during which we acknowledged, recognised and applauded both MYP and DP students for their achievements during last semester.
During the last Assembly, we were also treated to some drama from students in Year 8 and Year 11, who performed scenes from The Sound of Music. It was wonderful to witness the amazing work of our Secondary school students – we thank them and celebrate their achievement!
Thanks again for your continuing support.
Francesco Masetti-Placci
Upcoming Events
Wednesday 15th March Information Session: English as an Additional Language
Tuesday 21st March University visit: CIS University Tour (27 universities)
Wednesday 22nd March Information Session: The Middle Years Programme
Monday 27th March University visit: Merrimack College
Wednesday 29th March Information Session: The Theory of Knowledge
Friday 31st March Last day of school before Spring Break