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The Principal's Newsletter

Year 4 and 5 EOTC Camp at Jing Yu Hu

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Hanova Music. The Associate Board of the Royal School of Music (ABRSM) is the largest British music education body, one of its largest music publishers and the world’s leading provider of music exams, offering assessments to more than 630,000 candidates in 93 countries every year. ABRSM’s mission is to inspire achievement in music: in partnership with the Royal School of Music, ABRSM supports high-quality music learning around the world, offering pathways and resources for learners and teachers that help build musical skills, provide guidance and encourage progress to develop musical ability. ABRSM exams are internationally recognized and accepted by Universities around the world.

On18th May, our music teachers attended the ABRSM Teacher Training Course, at the ABRSM Center of Xi’an: Mr. Giovanni and Ms. Krystal have received their official ABRSM Certificate and, thanks to them, Hanova Music Academy is now accredited as an official branch of the ABRSM Xi’an. It was a very useful learning experience, Mr. Giovanni and Ms. Krystal had a very nice time with their colleagues Mrs. Cui (Director of ABRSM in Xi’an) and Mrs. Jin (ABRSM teacher and trainer), and now Hanova Music Academy can count on the full support and collaboration from the ABRSM team in Xi’an. Hanova is now fully entitled to teach the ABRSM programs and its syllabi, as well as to prepare our present and future students to pass every ABRSM exam.

Primary News. On Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th, representatives from the IBO will be in school for the PYP Authorisation Visit. They will be talking to students, parents and staff about our PYP programme. We are all thrilled to complete this process after all the preparation work carried out.

Transition Day will be held on Monday 12th June. Year 6 students will spend the day in MYP classes in order to become familiar with the MYP programme and structure of the day. Nursery to Year 5 classes will enjoy activities in their new class for next year. All students will be involved, as they will all benefit from the experience.

Year 6 students have demonstrated excellent enthusiasm and were ready to share their PYP knowledge during their Exhibition presentation on 1st and 2nd of June. We thank all the parents and guests who have participated.

PYP students will also display some of their work in the PYP Art Exhibition from June 5th to June 10th.

Year 4 and Year 5 EOTC Camp. This year our Year 4 and 5 had an exciting 2 days camping experience at Jing Yu Hu (鲸鱼湖) Whale Lake Xi’an city, in Ba Qiao district. Students had the opportunity to be risk-takers and sleep in tents. They actually did an amazing job in putting up their tents all by themselves! They participated in many outdoor activities such as orienteering run, yoga, hiking and preparing their own barbecue dinner. We are very proud of all our students, who have demonstrated exceptional collaboration and commitment during these days.

Secondary News. We are extremely proud of our very first International Baccalaureate Diploma class of 2017, and gave our fabulous Graduates an amazing send off last week both in school and with a dinner at the Gran Mélia. We wish them all every success!

Next week almost all of the Secondary students will be busily and purposefully engaged in our EOTC week. They will have some amazing adventures ahead in Shaolin and Luoyang for the students who will be staying in a beautiful hotel, visiting the Chinese Art Academy, the Shaolin Temple, the mountains and gorges, doing karaoke, playing games and sports, making canvases and learning some kung fu!

We will also have special program for all those staying in school including coding, Ted Talks, Design, team-building activities, online activities, a Scavenger Hunt, paper-cutting, Music, Sport .

Our group of International Award students will also complete their Final Expedition next week to earn their Silver Award.

These are all fabulous achievements and we look forward to a fun – filled action packed week for everyone in Secondary.

University Visit. On 13th June at 2:30pm, we will host an admission representative from one of the most prestigious university in the world, with a fame of “extremely selective”: NYU Abu Dhabi.

New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), is a research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science college, located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Together with New York University in New York City and New York University Shanghai, the portal campus is part of NYU’s Global Network University. The academic program opened in September 2010 on the permanent campus built on Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi.

It will be a great chance for our students who are interested in sciences as their post-secondary choices and all parents are welcome!

Carnival is coming! A parent letter with lots of information about Carnival was sent home with all students this week, along with a form that requests parents to donate food for our shared Carnival lunch. If you bring in about 10 servings, your entire family will receive free lunch stamps that are valued at 30 RMB each. Please return this food request form as soon as possible to your child(ren)’s homeroom teacher. Also, remember that we are currently collecting gently used items for a big Yard Sale. If you have any clothes, toys, DVD’s, board games, etc. that you would like to donate, these can also be left with homeroom teachers. One other request is that we could use any small cardboard boxes and/or plastic lids that you can spare. These materials are for one of the Carnival craft activities.

Join us for this important and fun event at the end of the school year!

2017 Yearbook. We would like to thank all who helped complete 2017 yearbook! All teachers and students worked together, with extra help from Y10 students, to present the memories created together during this school year! A special thanks to Mr. Manning and Ms. Prazak for heading the yearbook effort in both Primary and Secondary!

The 2017 yearbook will be ready for sale during the last week of this school year, please contact Ms. Zena Yang for more details (, cell.: 15389095953 ).

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Monday-Saturday 5th-10th June  PYP Art Exhibition

Saturday 10th June                      School Carnival

Tuesday 13th June                       NYU Abu Dhabi

Thursday 15th June                      Last Day of School

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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