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The Principal's Newsletter

Welcome back to Hanova 2017-2018!

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

Welcome Back! We are delighted to welcome all our students and families back to school for the new academic year. I hope you all enjoyed an excellent and restful summer, and that you are ready and eager to start the new academic year with enthusiasm.

A particular and warm welcome to all new students and families, who decided to join our school: we are very glad to welcome you all in our community and we look forward to knowing you all. We will do our best to involve you in the academic and extra-curricular activities of our school during this academic year.

We have then worked with all our teachers and staff since the beginning of August to prepare the new academic year, while welcoming all our new staff, supporting them with an induction programme to help them become familiar with the academic and operational life of the school, and with life in Xi’an and China for those arriving from abroad. Unfortunately, due to the a new set of regulations introduced by the government, a few of our new international teachers will arrive over the next two weeks, but rest assured that all academic activities will run properly.

Finally, concerning the logistics of this year, we want to confirm you that the school calendar is already available on our website and you should have received by email all the logistics details to allow your child(ren) to start the new academic year. If you have any special inquiry, please contact Ms. Yang of our Marketing and Liaison team .

Our Sixth year starts. On Monday August 14th our sixth year will start, and I would like to inform you beforehand with a series of excellent news:

  • Our students achieved outstanding results this May 2017 session of IB Diploma Programme exams, showing the tremendous potential our school can demonstrate.
  • We have obtained the IB authorization for the Primary Years Programme (PYP), so that now Hanova is an IB Continuum School (PYP, MYP and DP).
  • We have completed the process to become member of ABRSM, so as to provide our students with more activities during the after-school academies.
  • We have further expanded our classroom curriculum, to continue develop Mandarin across the school, while supporting the courses of Korean, French and Spanish in Secondary and a Mother Tongue programme in Primary.
  • We will then invite you to participate in the Hanova Parent-Teacher Association, so that we can partner all together for the benefit of our school.

 IB PYP Authorisation. Xi’an Hanova International School is proud to announce to all our parents and friends that we are now an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, for the Primary Years Programme (PYP), from Nursery to Year 6. Our School has received the official letter from the IB office, with congratulations on our considerable accomplishment. The IB has also commended some of our practices and has acknowledged “our school’s educators, administrators, students and families for the active roles in choosing to offer the PYP. The positive results of this choice will become evident in our community as classes of PYP students graduate and undertake activities that enhance social, cultural and economic environments locally, nationally and, perhaps, internationally.”

Thank you to all teachers and staff for the effort during the visit and thank you to all parents and students for their useful feedback.

This considerable accomplishment completes our School curriculum, complementing the previous authorizations received to offer the IB Diploma Programme, The Middle Years Programme and the Cambridge International Examinations. By providing a complete and challenging program for students from 3 years old through their high school graduation, Xi’an Hanova International School wants to develop life-long learning and talented people, who realize rich and fulfilling lives and will succeed personally and professionally in the 21st century.

Many thanks to all of you for your patience and support during these last years, allowing us to achieve this great result!

IB DP Results. We want to celebrate the outstanding results of our first IB Diploma students. Hereafter some detailed statistics:

  •    Hanova DP students have achieved an initial average score of 35 (five points higher than the world average of 30)
  •    Hanova’s highest score has been 41 out of a maximum of 45 points.
  •    Hanova DP students have exceeded an average of 5.5 points in all Diploma subjects, out of a maximum 7 points score per      subject.
  •    100% pass rate in the Diploma Core Components (Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, Creativity and Activity and Service).
  •    43% of our graduates has received offers from universities ranked in the World Top 100.

This is a fantastic achievement for our school, showing the commitment to academic excellence of our students and of our staff. We are all grateful to students, teachers, staff and parents for the effort demonstrated throughout these last two years.

Hanova Parent Teacher Association. As we start this new Academic Year, an important initiative will be to re-launch the Hanova Parent Teacher Association (HPTA).

I remind to all parents that they are automatically members of our HPTA. In addition, any parent can become “Helping Member”, contributing more to the broader life of the school, by getting involved in events, activities, communications, productions and charity projects that will take place in Primary School or Secondary School or at the whole school level.

The HPTA Constitution is available on demand from the School Office, and we welcome your application to inform us of your desired contribution to Mrs. Bi ( ).

A Coffee Morning for parents will be organized soon, to detail one last time all the new opportunities available to get involved in Hanova. We will then proceed with the appointment of the first set of committees.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these dates, while we will soon inform about new events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Friday, August 11th Open Day, with Induction for new families

Monday, August 14th School reopens

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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