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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova Parent Teacher Association Officially Established

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

We would all like to acknowledge the fantastic International Day celebrations held last Friday. In particular, we are very thankful to the parents for their support, to the teachers who have organized all the activities and to the Secondary students who were helpful in the group activities. In the afternoon, Secondary students played Aussie Rules Football after lunch, which was a new game for everyone and made us think about the international nature of sport, and in the Secondary assembly DP students told us about the international nature of English and related this to some of the books that they have studied. Please see on our school web site the photo gallery.

We are very proud of our international community and after this great event, hereafter more news on our various initiatives.

 Hanova Parent Teacher Association. On Tuesday 31st October, the new Hanova Parent Teacher Association (HPTA) was officially established as an integral and supportive part of our school community. A selected number of parents, who had applied or were nominated, will serve on the HPTA 2017 – 2018 Committee, in charge of the overall supervision and management of the association.

For the 2017 – 2018 academic year:

  • Rex Chan has been appointed Chairperson
  • Susanne Jarc has been appointed Deputy Chairperson
  • Maggie Ma has been appointed Treasurer
  • JJ Qiu has been appointed Secretary

The HPTA Committee will establish few sub-committees, animated by lead parents and teachers, to organize the related activities and provide support to the school students, families, teachers and staff.

We also remind that all parents are automatically members of our HPTA. The HPTA Constitution and application form are available on demand from the School Office, and a copy can be obtained contacting Mrs. Qiu ( ). Hanova values the support from parents and families, and for this reason we are grateful for your contributions to always expand this relationship.

Photo caption: Under the guidance of Mr. Gallerno, Lucas painted a group of futuristic soldiers called Terminators and submitted them to the ASA Brigades on Parade painting competition last week.

Primary News. Students in Upper Primary (Year 3 – Year 6) have worked very hard in their Mother Tongue sessions, that happen on Period 7 on Thursdays. They all have researched their native country traditional games, prepared short presentations and then taught the other groups how to play their game. We all had lots of fun trying different games such as Slam-Match, Yut Nol Li, Korean Chess, Snow Fight and 1,2,3 block. Students as well as teachers enjoyed being outdoor playing games and showing how balanced we are in the PYP programme.

In addition, last Thursday night the Year 6 classes participated in a migration sleepover at school. As part of their Unit of Inquiry on Migration, students experienced sleeping on the floor, cooking their dinner and discussed some of the challenges refugees or migrants face when they first arrive in their new country.

Primary Winter Concert. PYP parents are invited to our annual Winter Concert “The Crazy Alarm Clock”, which will take place next month. We will ask you to indicate your preferred time to attend the show to our Marketing and Liaison Team: Wednesday 6th December at 6pm or Thursday 7th December at 2pm. Please note the change of date, to accommodate all the various winter initiatives we are preparing. Tickets will be limited to 2 parents / family members per student. More information to come and a dedicated letter will be sent home with all the details.

Book Fair. Beijing Star Kids Children’s Bookstore is returning to run our annual Book Fair. They will set up books for purchase on Monday, 13th and Tuesday, 14th November. They provide an easy way to get access to good English books for parents that you can actually select and look through yourselves. The Book Fair will be open to parents and friends on Monday and Tuesday from 9:00am to 4:00pm in the library. This is a chance to look through the books on offer, either with your child or on your own. Students can visit the Book Fair at any break time and parents are welcomed at any time. If your child visits the book fair without you, then any book they select can be put aside for them. In that way they can write down any books they would like to purchase for you to approve and then they can return with the money the next school day. Please send any money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, the amount of money and the book title (if known).

Staff Professional Development. A reminder that there will be no school for students on Friday 17th November, since Hanova Teachers and Staff will hold professional development meetings during Friday 17th and 18th November.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 19th MYP Parent Info Session: Student Assessment in the MYP

Saturday, October 22nd International Day

Friday, October 26th Half-Semester Secondary Reports (in Managebac)

Friday, October 26th Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School

Wednesday, November 2nd University of Colorado –Boulder, Indiana University, University of Iowa, University of Missouri

Thursday-Friday, November 3rd-4th Staff Professional Development – No School

Saturday, November 5th SAT Test session

Saturday, November 12th Basketball Tournament

Wednesday, November 16th MYP Info Session: Inquiry-based learning in the MYP

Thursday, November 17th Wilfrid Laurier University, Concordia University (Canada)

Friday, November 18th Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (Canada)

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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