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University Visits update at Hanova

By Mr Robert Muntzer

Dear Parents and friends

It certainly was a busy and productive week last week. Thank you to those parents who were able to attend the parents’ meeting on Friday; we will be sending out more informational about our International Day shortly. In the meantime, if you have any specific questions, please contact our Marketing Liaison,

Please be advised that one important decision was made at the parents’ meeting; the International Lunch will be organized as per the parents’ wishes; the canteen, the staff lounge and areas on the ground floor will be available for all international dishes. Mrs. Sandy Trull and Ms. Nyra Constant will be on hand to guide parents.

Last Thursday, the senior management of Hanova International School was honoured to attend the Korean National Day Reception and it was promising to see how Korean and China were working together for their mutual development.

At the end of this Newsletter, there are a number of exciting events on the horizon; please make sure you make a note in your schedules.

As has become a Hanova tradition, the students will be enjoying their ‘Halloween Parade’ on Wednesday, 31st October. Parents are more than welcome to join in with the fun.

Over the last week, we have had no fewer than 11 different international university visits. Again, we would welcome parents to attend these visits because they can also become better informed about the various options, scholarships and courses that are available for their children.

The school will also be getting in touch with parents who were unable to come to the meeting where we think it is important to make further contact.

Hanova wins ASA Painting Competition for the third time! As part of our ECA programme, Mr. G supervises a club that paints miniature models of figures and then uses them to play a strategic war game called Warhammer 40,000. Hanova is not alone in having a Warhammer club; there are similar clubs in many schools around the world. Two years ago, Hanova joined a group called Asia School Alliance (ASA), which links Warhammer clubs at international schools across all of Asia. During this time, there have been three ASA painting competitions. Each time a Hanova student has entered, they have achieved greatness by winning either gold or silver awards for their entries. This is especially impressive because there are many hundreds of students in ASA who are eligible to enter this competition.

Congratulations go out to Lucas Rice, who won gold last year and a silver award for his most recent entry at the end of September this year for the ASA painting competition: a squad of Blood Angel Terminator Space Marines. Also, well done to Daniel Kim in Yr 7 who won a participation award.

My Warhammer Blood Angels

When I painted my Warhammer characters I went for the small details on the models, including the little trophies on their arms and their masks. I think that the most work I put into the model was on their armor because I wanted to make sure that I made them look like Blood Angels. In the back row, two of my soldiers don’t have bright red edges to their armor because I wanted them to look like they were not a high rank; I wanted them to look like they were junior members in the squad. In all, I think that my painting job on my Blood Angels models turned out pretty good.

Lucas Rice, Yr 8.

National High School Debate League of China (NHSDLC) Xi’an Regional Tournament. We are proud to announce that the National High School Debate League of China (NHSDLC) Xi’an Regional Tournament will be held on November 24th and 25th, 2018 in Xi’an Hanova International School. We are now preparing for this event and all the departments are supporting us. There will be 150 students competing for this debate tournament. Most of the regional schools in Xi’an will come to Hanova for this tournament.

We have announced the tournament news to our MYP and DP students and have handed out the brochures and registration forms to them before the National Holiday. All the ESL (English as the Second Language) students from MYP to DP are encouraged to become debaters. It is a great opportunity for them to develop their debating, presentation, and speaking skills. Our teachers are also assisting students for preparation and providing students training sessions.

For other MYP and DP students for whom English is their first language, they are encouraged to become volunteers, assisting judges during the debate process and coordinating everything during the event. It can also become one of their MYP Service Action and DP CAS activities.

We are now selecting 20 debaters in Hanova for this event. We are also recruiting volunteers in Hanova for organizing this event! Parents should encourage their children to get more involved in this event, either for debaters or volunteers. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly at

University Visits update at Hanova. On October 15th, we were very honoured to have admission officers from four prestigious US universities; University of Colorado Boulder, University of Indiana, University of Missouri, and University of Oregon. Our students had the chance to know more about the US public universities from 4 different states. After the presentation, the format changed to a small college fair. All the students had the chance to talk with admission officers individually for their specific questions. Students actively participated for this event and found university they are interested in. We really appreciate these officers for traveling all the way to Xi’an and specifically to Xi’an Hanova International School.

On October 17th, we hosted another prestigious UK university – King’s College London. Students had the chance to learn more about UCAS and the application process for UK universities. Additionally, they learned a lot about London and various major choices in KCL.

On October 18th, SUNY Korea and Fashion Institute of Technology visited Hanova. SUNY Korea was founded by the Korean Government as the first American university in Korea with undergraduate and graduate degree programs. To provide the same quality of education under the State University of New York System, all programs are identical to Stony Brook University and Fashion Institute of Technology and are taught by faculty from home campuses.

On Oct 19th and October 22nd, we had four more international universities visiting our school; University of Newcastle (Australia), Mont Allison University (Canada), Drexel University and San Diego University (US).

News from Primary School. An interview with Iris and Isabella from Year 6b

Human migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities

Miss Trish:  Thank you for talking with me this afternoon.  I hear you had a sleepover at Hanova International School last night.  Why did you do that?

Iris, Isabella:  Year 6 slept at school last night because our current unit is about human migration.  We usually sleep in our house, but yesterday we changed our sleeping places so we could think about how migrants feel when they have to sleep in a different place.

Miss Trish:  What did you enjoy about your sleepover?

Iris, Isabella:  I enjoyed how we made our dinner and our sleeping places.

Miss Trish:  What was different about last night to your usual evening at home?

Iris, Isabella:  My house has a shower, with warm water, but here we had to wash in cold water.  We showered this morning, but there was cold water for our hair.

We sleep in our beds in our house, but this time we slept on mats on the floor.  We had to sleep in a room with other people. All the girls in one room and all the boys in another room.

It was cold outside last night and my home is very warm.

Miss Trish:  Thinking about your unit of inquiry and your experiences last night, what have you learned about migration?

Iris, Isabella:  I learned how the people who migrate might feel.  Also, we slept quite comfortably, but migrants sleep in a boat or uncomfortable places, so I think life will be hard for them if they have to migrate.

Miss Trish:  Thank you for this interview and for leading the assembly this morning.

Thanks again for your continuing support.

Best regards,

Robert C. Muntzer


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these dates. As soon as they are confirmed, we will inform you about any additional events and activities that may take place in the following weeks:

Friday, 26th October               UN/International Day

Wednesday, 31st                    October Year 12 IB DP Reports

Wednesday, 31st                    October ‘Halloween Parade’

Friday, 9th                               November Year 13 IB DP Reports

Thursday, 15th November       School ‘Open Day’ (morning)

Saturday-Sunday, 24th -25th November NHSDLC Debate

Friday, 30th November          Arts Assembly

About our Head of School

Mr Robert Muntzer

School Principal

Mr Muntzer is the current School Principal of Hanova. He is highly experienced International Baccalaureate (IB) educator who has worked at Hanova as Deputy Principal, and Secondary IB Diploma Coordinator. His former posts include DP Coordinator in Dulwich College Shanghai, founding Director of Studies and IB Coordinator at Repton School Dubai along with Head of English and Head of Languages at schools in Thailand, Ethiopia, Zambia, India and Vietnam. He holds a Bachelor Degree in English from University of Warwick (UK). He has two children both educated in IB World School International schools

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