In this issue:
- HPTA Committee Elections
- PYP Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremonies at the Marriott and Hilton hotels
- MYP Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Crowne Plaza Hotel
- MYP Arts Assembly – Music and ‘Comedy’
- Forthcoming Events
HPTA Committee Elections. On Friday, 29th November, elections by ballot took place to elect the officers of the HPTA. We are delighted to announce that the results have been ratified by the Board and that our HPTA Committee for 2019-20 is now official. Congratulations and best wishes to our elected parent representatives!
Pictured above are our newly-elected HPTA Committee members. From left to right:
Mrs. Allison Smith Committee Member
Mrs. Jenny Lee Committee Member
Mrs. Ji Min Yoo Deputy Chairperson
Mrs. Lucila Dias Treasurer
Mr. Geng Hao (Gerard) Chairperson
Mr. Robert Muntzer Ex-Officio Member
Mr. Dong Yi Committee Member
The HPTA are already in full swing; on Friday, 6th December, they will be helping with the Christmas tree and decorations around the school.
News from Primary School
PYP Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremonies at the Marriott Hotel and Hilton Hotels. On Friday, 29th November, Year 3B performed several musical presentations at the Hilton Hotel and on Thursday, 5thDecember, Year 3A also performed songs at the Marriott Hotel. Both events were very well-attended by parents and friends of Hanova and we would like to thank them for their ongoing support.
At both events the children were treated to lovely food and drink and, at the Marriott Hotel, there was a surprise visit from Santa Claus who gave out lots of presents to our children. Both the Marriott and Hilton hotels will be serving their food for charity at the Christmas Market; we would like to thank general managers, Josh and Sandy, and their teams, for their continuing partnership with Hanova.
News from Secondary School
DP Parents Info Sessions – Assessment and Language Policies – 11th December, Wednesday, 15:10, DP Common Room. As we’ve planned, the next DP Parents Info Session is going to be held on next Wednesday (11th Dec) at 15:10 in the DP Common Room. This time, we will be talking about the DP Assessment and Language Policies.
At the info session, Ms. Sharon, our Diploma Coordinator, is going to give you an overview of how the Diploma is assessed, how IB predicted grades are given and be used, and key terms from the Hanova Language Policy.
All parents are strongly encouraged to attend it as it is deeply embedded in your children’s academic life here at Hanova. The Korean and Chinese translators will be provided at the meeting. If you have any particular questions that you wish to be answered at the meeting, please email them to Ms. Sharon via
MYP Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The Year 9 Band performed three recitals at the Crowne Plaza Hotel to help celebrate their Christmas Tree lighting ceremony. The students performed ‘Jingle bells Jazz Version’ and ‘All I want for Christmas is you’.
The Band members are:
Flute- Chloe Oh
Tenor Saxophone- Julia Palmeira
Piano- Alicia Chan
Drum- Lily Yun
E-bass- Sean Im (1st), Jack Lee (2nd)
Guitars- Sally Park Lee, Jaden, Lucas Rice, Jack Lee (1st) and Sean Im (2nd)
Percussion- Ann Nemytova
The was also the MYP Piano Duet who played the song ‘Nights’
Year 8 Ellie Bae
Year 11 Judy Yun
MYP Arts Assembly – Music and ‘Comedy’. Year 7 JL Music Performance. The World Music unit is designed to make students be open-minded and understand the music culture from other countries. ‘无羁Wu Ji’ is the Chinese style pop song and was re-arranged by Ms. Jiang with Flute, Violin, Piano, Dizi, Percussion and Guitars.
Piano- Daisy Jea
Piano (Violin)- Eric Chen
Piano (Flute)- Benny Gao
Drum- Lais Palmeira
Guitars- Bella Yoon, Qaira Mohd Amran, Kenneth Hur, Tom Lee, Collin Lee
Dizi- Phoebe Xu
Percussion- Robin Ock
Year 9 Dance performance. This unit is designed to maximize students’ creativity, student-leadership, choreography and music editing skills. This dance includes three songs ‘Love Yourself’ by Justin Bieber, ‘2002’ by Ann Marie, and ‘Please Don’t be Sad’ by High Light.
YEAR 8 DM Performing Arts – Drama. ‘A Pirate Show’ A pantomime in the Commedia dell l’Arte style. Written by Bob Scheer. Kormilda College, Australia 2011.
There was research and workshops into the physical theatre of Commedia dell’Arte and Pantomime. There was even more work done on the language of the play, pirates, and theatre vocabulary. All crew duties of program, sound f/x, costumes, and prop making was done by the students.
CAST – in order of appearance:
EVA Yiyi Wang – Mermaid: erstwhile narrator and catalyst for the story’s action.
DANIEL KIM – Captain No Pants Bologna: stingy captain of the Jolly Gang Star (JGS)
RAPHAEL Trull – Bosun Arlecchino: credulous underling on the JGS
ARIEL Zimo Zhao – Cabin Girl Columbina: clever underling of the JGS
VIVIAN Zhang – Isabella Dottore: adopted daughter of Dottore
ALEX Seunggeon Kim – Floho: Isabella’s not so doting boyfriend
LISA -Zixi Gao Friend: Actually, she’s not. She’s a conniving hoyden.
ELLIE Hyeyun Bae – Jezebel: Look, isn’t it clear?
JAKE Yeonje Lee – Dottore: Garrulous consumer of tea and adopted father of Isabella.
YULIA Yutong Yuan – Admiral Capitano: Dastardly credulous Managing Director of Dutch East India Company.
DANIEL Jusung KANG – Bosun Brighella: Evil and self-serving miscreant and employee of Admiral Capitano.
YEAR 11 Performing Arts – Drama. The focus as senior Drama students goes into theory, analysis, as well as the actual production of a play from the canon.
CAST – in order of appearance: |
Katherine Juyoung Chung – Miss Olivia Ogilvie Hamilton |
Pelin Kayacik – Sarah Penworthy Pilkes |
Esther Eunbi Kim – Inspector Hermione Dexter |
Lia Seoan Kim – Agatha Tolliver Tibbs |
Jack Youngha Kim – Reverend Roger Penworthy Pilkes |
Bob Chanmyeong Lee – Edward Tolliver Tibbs |
Kelly Haeun Lee – Mona Thumpington FFFines |
Xun Khang Tan – Jeremy Thumpington FFFines |
Judy Juwon Yun – Miss Oona Ogilvie Hamilton |
Again, our thanks to those staff involved in the Christmas Lighting ceremonies and the MYP Arts Assembly: Ms. Jennifer Lazareck, Mrs. Jessica Xue, Ms. Amelia Hall, Ms. Krystal Jiang and Ms. Jessica Wang.
Thank you again for your continuing support.
Robert C. Muntzer
Upcoming Events
Please take note of these dates. As soon as they are confirmed, we will inform you about any additional events and activities that may take place in the following weeks:
Saturday, 7th December Winter Concert/Christmas Market
Wednesday, 11th December DP Parents’ Info. Session
Friday, 13th December PYP Reports
Friday, 20th December MYP First Semester Reports
Friday, 20th December End of Semester 1 (Half-day)