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News from the Principal – “Our Learning Community”

By Mr Robert Muntzer

Dear Parents and friends

News from the Principal – “Our Learning Community” - Written by Mr Robert Muntzer, Principal.  In recent years, the term ‘learning community’ has largely replaced the word ‘school’. This is for good reason for it better reflects all the stakeholders in the education of our students - governance and management, teaching and support staff, parents, and, of course, the students.

The recent WASC Mid-Cycle Report Visit, albeit remotely-conducted, involved members of all our learning community and I would like to thank those of you who participated in this; our Board, staff, parents and students. I would also like to thank Ms. Amy Hou, our WASC Coordinator for all her efforts in making this visit successful.

Once the report from WASC has been received and reviewed by our Pedagogical Leadership Team (PLT) and the Board, the outcomes of this report - our strengths and areas for improvement - will be shared with our community. That being said, I am happy to note that WASC has positively recognized the contributions and support shown by our whole learning community.

April WASC Mid-term Visit - Written by Ms Amy Hou, MYP Coordinator.  After getting the full accreditation from WASC in 2019, Hanova hosted the WASC mid-term visit on April 25th and 26th. In this visit, we invited different groups from our school community, including the school Board members, Pedagogical Leadership team, students, teachers, parents, and support staff, to talk with the WASC visitors about the school development and the school life. Every group has also shared the exciting thoughts about the new campus as well.

We would like to take this chance to thank our supportive parents who spare their time to talk with the WASC visitors about the school.

WASC advances and validates quality ongoing school improvement by supporting its member institutions to engage in a rigorous and relevant self-evaluation and peer review process that focuses on student learning. We hope we could benefit our students and whole school community with this accreditation process, which leads to the high quality of education.

Early Years Sports Day - Written by Mr Paul Robinson, Director of Sports.  The morning of Friday, 22nd April saw the Early Years Sports Day take place in the sports building. The children were split into 3 groups and within those groups competed in their house teams as the sports building was awash with red, green, blue and yellow.

There were many smiles throughout the morning as the children competed in a running race, obstacle course race, egg and spoon relays, bean bag balance relays, rhino relays and a bean bag throw activity. All of the activities were led by our Year 12 DP students who were exceptional role models to the youngest members of the Hanova community.

The points from the Early Years Sports Day will be added to the points from Upper Primary Sports Day to decide which house will be Primary Sports Day Champions 2022!

MYP Maths ‘Bridge-building’ Contest - Written by Mr Alan Miles, MYP & DP Mathematics. As part of the STEM projects students are encouraged to engage with, the Mathematics department had students in house groups build a bridge over a 0.6m gap with wooden sticks and glue. The students only had 40 minutes to build it from scratch and everyone rose to the challenge with gusto! Well done to Song house who were the first to build a bridge to support 3.8kg across the gap, but well done to everyone as all bridges managed to carry the weight at the end of the challenge.

Upcoming Events:

- 4th - 18th May: M22 IB Examination

- Wednesday, 4th May: Secondary Football: Hawks @ XIS

- Thursday & Friday, 5th & 6th May: PYP Exhibition

- Saturday, 7th May: PYP Basketball: Hawks vs. Dehong @Hanova

- Wednesday 11th May: Upper Primary Sports Day (Years 3,4,5,6)

- Thursday 12th May: Secondary Football: Hawks vs. XIS @Hanova (provisional)

- Friday, 13th May: Secondary Sports Day

- Saturday 14th May: PYP Basketball: Final Tournament @ XLIS

- Saturday 21st May: Secondary Football: International Schools Tournament @ Hanova

- 23rd May – 3rd June: Y12 End of Year Examination

- Friday, 27th May: DP Graduation

About our Head of School

Mr Robert Muntzer

School Principal

Mr Muntzer is the current School Principal of Hanova. He is highly experienced International Baccalaureate (IB) educator who has worked at Hanova as Deputy Principal, and Secondary IB Diploma Coordinator. His former posts include DP Coordinator in Dulwich College Shanghai, founding Director of Studies and IB Coordinator at Repton School Dubai along with Head of English and Head of Languages at schools in Thailand, Ethiopia, Zambia, India and Vietnam. He holds a Bachelor Degree in English from University of Warwick (UK). He has two children both educated in IB World School International schools

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