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hanova's school newsletter

HPTA Coffee Morning

Dear Parents and friends

HPTA (Hanova Parent Teacher Association) Coffee Morning - written by Ms Jane Lei, University & Careers Counselor.  A child’s progress and development is best achieved within a community built upon a solid partnership between home and school. With the support of our HPTA, we are able to offer opportunities for learning and growth that extend far beyond the bounds of the classroom. According to the HPTA constitution, we are re-establishing the organization to foster links between staff, parents, and most importantly, students so that we could work together for our children to grow into global citizens and lifelong learners.

On September 27th, 2022 at 9:00 AM, we hosted our first coffee morning for parents who are interested in becoming one of the executive committee members for HPTA (Hanova Parent Teacher Association). During the meeting, our Head of School James McCrory, our Head of Secondary Aristipo Rodriguez, and our HPTA secretaries Amy Hou and Jane Lei, introduced themselves and explained HPTA roles. It was great to see so many active parents that support and enhance the school community. We sincerely thank all the participants for their time commitment.

Year 12 Cultural Lunch Experience - written by Mr Richard Gallerno, MYP & DP English.  On Tuesday, September 20th, the Year 12 English B students treated some teachers to a special cultural experience that they planned, organized, and prepared as part of their CAS Programme. The students worked together to do several activities, including: finding recipes, gathering information for a culture presentation, designing an invitation, preparing ingredients and, finally, cooking. Some students admitted that they had little experience cooking for themselves, so this will be good practice for them when they become more independent after graduation. The teachers all reported that they enjoyed the lunch and appreciated the brief tour of Korean cuisine and culture.

Learner Profile in Action during Year 8 Basketball Unit - written by Mr Paul Robinson, Athletics Director.  Year 8 recently completed their basketball unit. During the unit the students worked in the same teams and worked on designing practice drills, developing team strategy, playing games and then reflecting upon their performances in games and the effectiveness of their strategy (through video analysis and group discussions).

The students were challenged to be inquirers, thinkers and display existing knowledge when developing their strategy, open-minded and be risk-takers with their strategies, principled by giving equal opportunities to all members of the team to play and reflective during video or game analysis and discussions.

The unit was also involved developing student skills as communicators as they were all expected to speak and play a part in the analysis and development of strategy. Students were assessed on the quality of their plan, the quality of individual performances in games and the quality of their evaluation on how effective their plan was.

Dance and Movement in Year 6 PSPE - written by Mr Dušan Dordevic & Mr Jason Cui.  As part of an interdisciplinary unit in collaboration with Music, Art and Homeroom our Year 6 students recently completed a Dance and Movement unit.

The unit challenged our students to be risk-takers and to be open-minded in stepping out of their comfort zones and participating in something that is different to their previous experiences in PE classes. The students participated in activities related to 2 styles of dance from different cultures, the first being the “Waltz” that is traditional in Austria and “Country” style which is associated with American culture.

The students should be congratulated on their performances and the way in which they accepted this new challenge. Well done to all involved.

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory was Hanova's Head of School for the 2022-23 school year. James graduated from Demontfort University in 1988 and worked in the commercial Design sector in Ireland, UK and Spain. He has worked in education since 1994 after completing his PGCE at Goldsmith’s College, London. The last 30 years in education includes 4 years in the UK, with the remaining years working divided between Spain, Japan and Kuwait, as well as leading schools in China over the last decade.

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