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hanova's school newsletter

Year 13 Biology (Ecology) Field Trip

Dear Parents and friends

Year 13 Biology (Ecology) Field Trip - written by Mr Aristipo Rodríguez, DP Biology Teacher.  As an essential part of our practical activities in Biology, last Friday, 23rd September, year 13 students had their Ecology field trip to Xi’an Wetlands. They could apply and practice some of the concepts and techniques they studied in this unit in this natural ecosystem. Also, they develop an awareness of how real scientists use different tools and methods to analyse the environmental quality and the relationships among other species that are part of any ecological community.

Even though some of these students will not study Biology in their future careers at University, they have the analytical skills and the knowledge of some basic techniques to develop their research in different areas. Also, these activities help them develop their IB learner profile attributes, like inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, open-minded and risk-takers.

Our young scientists did a great job. Congratulations!!!!!!

U8 Soccer - written by Mr Luke Harris, MYP & DP Humanities.  Our U8 soccer team recently played two games away against XLIS, on September 17, and at home against XIS, on September 24. The players showed their skills, winning all three games, defeating XLIS 4-2 and 4-1, and defeating XIS 3-2. Coaches Mr. Sam and Mr. Luke were very impressed with the team’s progression and skill development from the first game to the second game. All of the players tried their best and had a lot of fun.

DP TOK Exhibition - written by Mr John McGovern, MYP & DP Humanities.  The year 13 students held their TOK exhibition today and completed the first part of their TOK program successfully. The students each chose three objects to explore a prompt, answering questions such as why do we seek knowledge, can new knowledge change established values or beliefs and should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? Objects on display include the daenggi Korean ribbon, a family photo from Hiroshima, a HSK textbook, a young pioneers red scarf, North Korean money, a smartphone and a piece of fake news.

The students took to the task really well as one of the final times they will exhibit work to the school community with other DP and MYP students as well as parents coming to visit.

Here at Hanova we are working to make TOK more integrated into the DP and upper MYP curriculum while also making it more visible in the school, as the DP class where the students can really apply their critical thinking and reflective skills while emphasising empathy and an open-mind. In the DP we are building a TOK team including Mr Rodriguez, Mr Wood, Mr Gallerno, Mr Miles and Mr Mc Crory with Ms Sharon and myself. Hope to see you in May when the current Year 12s will hold their exhibition!

Years 10 & 11 students learn about App development - written by Mr Alan Miles, MYP & DP Mathematics.  Two mobile phone app developers, one from HSBC and one freelance, came in to school this week to show our year 10 and 11 students how to start to develop their own applications for the Apple store. Much fun was had by all and it was extremely informative regarding the building blocks of Apple app development and how to publish to the app store. We are hoping to develop an application designed by the year 10 and 11 computer science development teams for other Hanova students to use to enrich their learning.

Will, year 11, said: "Yesterday, two software developers came in and taught us some fundamentals of Xcode, and the routine of how to actually publish an application on apple App Store. It was very fascinating because I realized how convenient Xcode is to develop a practical application with a UI, which all of the programs that I’ve developed in the past lacks of. It just feels really exciting since it seems like we are becoming software developers. The two teachers were great too, they were very patient, enthusiastic and passionate. It felt great to have the chance to learn app development from a professional!"

Steven, year 11, said: "On October 10th, two developers came to Hanova and taught us a wonderful lesson on Xcode with its fundamental functions and the ways of operating it by changing its code. And overall we learned many useful functions and it has built up our minds as a programmer, which in particular made up my mind on things related to my further career."

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory was Hanova's Head of School for the 2022-23 school year. James graduated from Demontfort University in 1988 and worked in the commercial Design sector in Ireland, UK and Spain. He has worked in education since 1994 after completing his PGCE at Goldsmith’s College, London. The last 30 years in education includes 4 years in the UK, with the remaining years working divided between Spain, Japan and Kuwait, as well as leading schools in China over the last decade.

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