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MYP Chinese Acquisition Exhibition

Dear Parents and friends

MYP Chinese Acquisition Exhibition - Ms. Alina & Ms. Rae, MYP Chinese Teachers.

Y11 Faith Gibbs: In Chinese acquisition class, students got the chance to take part in many different activities. Start from this month, students will share different projects with the Hanova community through the monthly exhibition.

The first exhibition board is displayed in the hall on 3rd floor now!

The first theme of the exhibition is “Word of My 2022”. Chinese acquisition students looked back on what happened in 2022, chose a word that described how the year of 2022 was for us, write to share our lives throughout the year of 2022. All Hanova members are encouraged to join in and write their own word in relations to 2022 so that they can share what is going in in their lives with the whole Hanova Community.

Meanwhile, students also chose a photo about their Christmas holiday, share their precious holiday memories through photos and words with everyone.

Students showed great enthusiasm for the exhibition. It encourages students to develop an awareness and understanding of the perspectives of people from other cultures. Communicating in more than one language provides excellent opportunities to develop intercultural understanding and respect.

Sharing Knowledge in Physical Education- with students and parents - Written by the PE Department.  Year 6 have recently been covering a unit in Basketball. The activities in this unit were delivered by Nathan and Kevin from Year 10 who are studying MYP Physical Health Education as part of a teaching and coaching unit. The Year 10 boys have developed their communication skills, leadership skills, been risk-takers and planned collaboratively in order to share their basketball knowledge. Through teacher feedback they have reflected upon their sessions and used this knowledge to continually improve the sessions they have delivered to the Year 6 students.

At the conclusion of the unit, the floor was handed to the Year 6 students who were required to share their learning with their parents who were invited into school for a demonstration lesson. After watching the children participate in a “specially adapted for basketball” version of grandma’s footsteps (an excellent innovation by the Year 10 boys), the parents were invited to join with their child, who would show and guide parents on how to dribble, pass and shoot correctly.

The parents then showed tremendous enthusiasm and energy when taking part in full basketball games- the smiles from our parents was something that was great to see as their willingness to participate and take risks was an excellent example to the students. The session was concluded with some free throws.

We would like to congratulate year 10 on their ability to work with the Year 6 students, Year 6 students for their efforts throughout the unit and the parents for their continued fantastic support.

Hanova IB Evaluation Monthly News - written by the Hanova IB Evaluation Team. 

Dear Hanova parents,

All IB accredited schools are evaluated every five years after authorization or the previous evaluation. Hanova community is preparing for the programme evaluation process.

The aim of IB programme evaluation is to support schools in continuously extending their capacity to implement and develop IB programmes to have a greater impact on student outcomes through the development of teacher and leader practice. (Guide to programme evaluation, page 2)

It is planned to help Hanova parents offer critical perspectives on the implementation of our school. We include your reflective conversations used to inform the completion of the evaluation process across programmes (PYP, MYP, and DP).

Hanova IB Multi-Programme Evaluation visit dates are scheduled as following:

18th of Oct. ~ 20th of Oct. 2023

We will keep you updated on the Hanova IB evaluation process regularly to make an inclusive school. Thanks for your interest and your continued support at Hanova!


Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory

Former Head of School

Mr James McCrory was Hanova's Head of School for the 2022-23 school year. James graduated from Demontfort University in 1988 and worked in the commercial Design sector in Ireland, UK and Spain. He has worked in education since 1994 after completing his PGCE at Goldsmith’s College, London. The last 30 years in education includes 4 years in the UK, with the remaining years working divided between Spain, Japan and Kuwait, as well as leading schools in China over the last decade.

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