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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova students and teachers reflect on first two weeks

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Dear Parents and Friends,

We have now been running the school for nearly two weeks. We are very pleased with how things have settled in and how the students are working – all the pre planning has been most worthwhile and has paid dividends.

Assemblies. It was a treat to see our Senior Years’ students leading the first Friday assembly of the school year. They had arranged for various groups to perform or share their experiences, and linked the whole programme together. They seem like they are going to be very good school leaders. The Y5 and 6 students had assembled a great collage of the history of the first week at Hanova to which they treated us. They have also started as super leaders within the primary organising the distribution and collection of PE and play equipment each lunchtime and break, and along with Y3 and 4 teaching the younger students a song in assembly. Parents are always welcome in our assemblies. We are moving the time of assembly to 8:55am on a Friday from its current slot of 14:55. This is so that teachers can follow up some of the things that other classes put on show.

Curriculum and class information afternoon. We think it is important at this stage for parents to have the opportunity to be informed about the

  1. Procedures for running of each class or subject
  2. Home school liaison
  3. How we are selecting the appropriate courses for students including the level of Chinese and the level of

English support. We would also like parents to have the chance to meet the teachers that teach their children and have the opportunity to ask general questions about the curriculum. These curriculum information sessions will take place on Tuesday, September 18th and Thursday, September 20th. More detailed information is being sent out on these events in a separate email. Please let us know if you are able to attend this event by calling school or emailing If you are very interested in attending such an event but the time is not possible for you, please let us know and we will endeavour to arrange an alternative time.

Parent teacher consultations. The first of these this year will take place in the week beginning 29th October. This will be to discuss how your child has settled in, how they are progressing, and what targets they are working towards. It will also cover a chat about how best you can help your child, and give you an opportunity to pass on any further information that you may have not already told us. These items will not be covered in the Curriculum Information sessions running next week.

Extra curricular activities. The choices for these activities will be sent home early next week. This is so we can ensure there are enough spaces
for all that wish to do each activity. This scheduled starting time for ECAs has been delayed by one week in order to
fit in the curriculum afternoons next week. They will now begin on 24th September. I apologise for any
inconvenience this might cause.

Climbing apparatus. A new item appeared last week in the Dragon Court. This is some climbing apparatus for the primary students. Some students turned it into a lions’ den this week as they explored moving up, over and through it.

ID Cards and books. The students have all been issued with their Hanova ID cards. These cards are used for them to borrow and return library books. Nursery to Year 4 students may borrow up to two books at a time, Year 5 to 11 four and Senior Year students six. We want the students right from the youngest age to enjoy stories and books and want them to learn to treat books properly. Teachers will look after the ID cards for many of the students, as replacement cards will cost the students 10rmb. Reading books have been sent home to all the students on the reading scheme. These are books to share with your child, to read along with them or sometimes to hear them read. More guidance and explanation will be available at
the curriculum afternoon.

Best regards,
Martin Hughes, Principal
Hanova International Department of Bodi School

Forthcoming events
September Tuesday, 18th Curriculum and Class Information Nursery to Y4 – times vary – from 2pm
Thursday, 20th Curriculum and Class Information Y5-13 – times vary – from 2:30pm
Tuesday, 25th Extra curricular activities begin
Thursday, 27th Extra curricular activities begin
Friday, 28th Last day of school for Mid Autumn and National Day

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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