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Duathlon 2012

Our first formal sporting event took place last Friday.  All of The students did remarkably well by taking part in a running event and a cycling event.  Some of the students had even learned to ride a bike for the first time.  The determination and effort from so many of the students were really impressive, with even the youngest students able to take part.  I have never seen students so young be able to run as far as they did and even able to run back, and then do the same on bikes – well done to all of them and the teachers who trained them.  Also thank you very much for your support by either coming in to support your child and/or sending in bikes – we were overwhelmed by the number.  Now that we have finished training for the event, we would like you to collect your bikes at your earliest convenience.  Also thanks to the organising committee of Natalie O’Connor, Elaine Gillick and Denis McKeown.

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