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PYP students and teachers celebrate Halloween 2015

A few highlights of this week and a reminder of the upcoming events ahead of us.

Halloween. On Friday October 30th the school students have celebrated Halloween. PYP students and teachers came dressed in fantastic and scary costumes, shown to the entire school in a colorful parade after Registration and during the PYP Assembly. Senior students also joined the celebrations, while music, food and parties have complemented the normal classes and lessons. We thanks all teachers, students and parents for the organization of such a wonderful day.

Student Leadership Workshop. On Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th, the student leaders were invited to sleep over at school. This was a great opportunity to have both the MYP/DP and PYP house leaders together and see them getting to know each other better. They learnt about leadership, played many games, watched movies and were told a (not too) scary story. After an evening of little sleeping and a great breakfast, the students completed more team building activities, group challenges and developed plans for the year ahead. Many thanks again to all teachers who contributed to make this event such fun.

University Visits Last Week. Last week we had two universities visits to our campus, a successful program that continues with great enthusiasm, thanks to our University and Careers Counselor Ms. Zhu. The next visits will take place on December 3rd, so please mark your calendar in advance to attend if you are interested.

Swimming Program. Last Friday October 30th, Year 10 and 11 students went to the first session of our new swimming program, an integral part of their MYP physical education curriculum, but also a first step to expand our sports activities to include a regular aquatic curriculum for the whole school, especially during the winter months.

City Wall Marathon. On Saturday 7th November the Xi’an annual City Wall marathon will take place, a community event for the whole city whose proceedings will all be devoted to charity. Our year 12 students have organized the school presence, signing up more than 90 participants - between students, teachers and parents -, who will run or walk during this event. Many thanks again to all who have responded with such enthusiasm.

Information Sessions

A brief reminder of the upcoming school information events:

  • Parent Information Session on Year 6 Exhibition: Tuesday 3rd November at 2:30pm
  • Parent Information Session on Language in the PYP: for Wednesday 4th November at 4:00pm
  • Parent Information Session on MYP: for Wednesday 4th November at 3:45pm
  • PYP Parent Conference, scheduled for 19th and 20th November

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci

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