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Secondary Luoyang EOTC Trip 2017

On 6-9th June, Hanova’s secondary students traveled to Luoyang, China. During the four day trip, they had the opportunity to experience Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) in a city full of history and unique culture. Each day was a new adventure as the students and teachers explored the ancient Longmen grottoes, learned Chinese calligraphy techniques, hiked to the summit of Yuntai mountain, watched fantastic kung fu presentations, learned kung fu exercises and played football with the monks, made Chinese dumplings and much more…

Day 1: Train ride to Luoyang, Longmen Grottoes, Chinese calligraphy

Day 2: Shaolin Temple, Kung fu school, Kung fu lessons and football

Day 3: Chinese dumplings, Yuntai mountain park, KTV fun