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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova Primary Winter Concert 2017

By Francesco Masetti-Placci

Dear Parents and friends,

One more week before the Winter Holidays, which includes also the celebration of the Christian tradition of Christmas. Hereafter the news related to this past week and the last events up to the end of the First Semester.

Primary Winter Concert. This week we had two outstanding performances from our PYP students, who presented their annual Winter Concert entitled “The Crazy Alarm Clock” on Wednesday 6th and Friday 8th December. The shows were a great success, and all the PYP students were deeply engaged and excited to be on stage. Their joy and effort were remarkable and everyone attending the show was impressed by the passion and commitment that every child put in acting their part. For all the parents, relatives and friends of our school it really was a moment to remember.

This musical journey touched five different ages (Cavemen, Ancient Romans, Middle Ages, Romantic Age, Space Age) and everybody looked fantastic wearing costumes related to their own time. Students worked very hard to prepare this show, learning their dialogues, composing the song lyrics and creating the choreographies of their dances: the result was simply amazing.

We would like to congratulate all students and teachers for preparing such wonderful performances, despite the last busy weeks of this Semester. In particular, a special thanks to our music teachers, Mr. Giovanni and Ms. Krystal (whom coordinated the entire show), to Mr. Dylan and Ms. Maggie (who created the artistic background of the stage), to Mr. Goden (for supporting the lights and sound effects), and to all the PYP Teachers and the TA’s for their great support behind the stage.

Primary News. In parallel to the preparation of the Winter Show, all PYP classes have progressed in their Units of Inquiry. During last week Year 1b students collaboratively painted the map of the world and learned about each country ‘s Celebrations, reflecting on their own experiences as part of their “Celebrations Around the Wold” unit.

Upcoming University Visits. This week we hosted a successful visit of representatives from Duke Kunshan University, who illustrated to our students their world-class range of academic programs offered to students from China and throughout the world.

Hanova will then continue to host visits until the very end of this Semester: the next visit will be from University of Notre Dame, at 13:00 on 14th December. Parents and friends are strongly encouraged to attend these university events. For more information, please contact our University and Careers Counselor Ms. Zhu ( ).

Christmas Lightning Ceremonies. The Performing Arts Club, which started as an ECA run by Mr. Caleb and Mrs. Melissa, had their last performance this Firday 8th December at the Gran Meliá Xi’an. We are proud of our students for their success and we are grateful to our teachers and members of staff who have provided so much support. The original Performing Arts Club will also present their play “Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge” next January 2018 at the conclusion of the first round of ECAs.

Hanova Christmas Market. A reminder about the Hanova Christmas Market on 9th December: our winter community event will start at 10am with a full program of fun and social activities: we are sure it will be a successful moment for all and we thank in advance all the support from teachers, students, staff, parents and sponsors.

The proceedings will be donated to charities, to highlight the “international mindedness” and “principled action” characteristics of our IB education. This year’s Christmas Market will be supporting national and international organizations devoted to support motherhood and infant nutrition in vulnerable local and refugee populations.

Secondary School Awards Assembly. A final reminder about the Secondary Awards Assembly on Friday, 15th December at 9.30am, where selected students in MYP and DP will be awarded certificates of excellent academic achievement. Food, beverages, presentations, displays and entertainment will be available and Secondary parents are strongly encouraged to attend this celebration event.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Francesco Masetti-Placci


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these dates, while we will soon inform about any additional events and activities that will take place in the following weeks:

Saturday, 9th December                              Hanova Christmas Market

Thursday, 14th December                           University of Notre Dame

Friday, 15th December                                Secondary Celebration Awards Assembly

Friday, 15th December                                Deadline for PYP and MYP Student reports

Friday, 15th December                                Last day of First Semester (Half Day) – School closes

Monday, 8th January 2018                          First day of Second Semester – School reopens

About the Author

Francesco Masetti-Placci

Former School Principal

Dr. Masetti-Placci was a former school Principal of Xi'an Hanova International School from 2015-2018. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Bologna and a Master in Information Technology from Polytechnic of Milan, with studies also in France (University of Rennes) and the USA (Washington University). Before joining Hanova, he previously has taught in secondary schools and universities in Italy, France, USA and China.

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