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Sports Day 2019

Featured throughout this section are photos of our MYP Year 11 Arts students’ recent work – please keep an eye open on our school web-site and WeChat for more outstanding students’ work!

It’s been another couple of challenging but constructive weeks here at Hanova, and the most significant challenge was our WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) Self- Study Visit.

Starting on Sunday, 21st April, our three ‘Visitors’ – Dr Kelley Ridings, Mr Stanley Zavatsky and, Chair of the Visiting Team, Ms. Sheila Folan – undertook a series of meetings and classroom observations over the next four days.

It would be premature to speculate how it went – but, based upon their comments and the Final Report they left with us, it would be fair to say, they were impressed. I’d like to thank our parents for giving up their time too and for all the ongoing and future support you have given to our school. I’d like to acknowledge the efforts and support of all our school staff – academic, administration, support; as this report testifies as your professionalism, commitment and dedication to our students. Thank you.

Driving and coordinating this whole WASC process has been Ms. Amy Hou and I’d like to thank her for all the endless hours she has put in to get us to this stage. The WASC Self Study Final Report has already been submitted; the WASC Commissioners will convene in late June, and the school should receive notification by mid-July.

News from Primary School. Thanks to everyone for their great efforts on our Primary School Sports Day on Thursday, 18th April. The kids were fantastic – it was a very easy day for me and a lot of fun. A special thanks to Chris Chao for his effort in scoring – it is a tough job, he did it for the whole day and it freed everyone else up to enjoy the day.

Here are the results:

Lower Primary

Yellow 153

Red 123

Blue 114

Green 113

Upper Primary

Green 149

Yellow 142

Blue 134

Red 123

I double checked the scores and Red Upper and Lower Teams did score exactly the same points ????


Yellow 295

Green 262

Blue 248

Red 246

For the record last year Upper Primary Champions were Blue, Lower Primary Champions were Yellow and Overall Champions were Green.

Lastly, thank you all again, parents, for supporting this event by supplying lovely food and drinks to keep our students going on long, hot day.

Stephen Ketley

News from Secondary School. A highlight of our school calendar is our annual Sports’ Day, and this year we were certainly not disappointed! The Secondary Sports’ Day was wonderfully planned and coordinated by our PHE teacher, Mr. Chao. All of the Secondary staff supported fantastically to make the day such a success. It was great to see so many parents there to watch our students and support them with refreshments and encouragements. Our students were real ‘Hanova Heroes’ who participated so enthusiastically and made the day very special for us all.

The students, who contributed the most to the house points in each year group were awarded a medal in our special assembly on Monday 22nd April. The competition between our houses for the top position was particularly fierce this year. I would like to thank Qin members for the fantastic refreshment table, which they kindly shared with students from all houses, demonstrating what caring students are!

The Eleventh Golden Age Chinese Youth Art Competition. Last semester, we organized for our students to participate in The Eleventh Golden Age Chinese Youth Art Competition. The organizers of this competition are; China Intelligent Engineering Research Institute, The School of Journalism and Communication and Beijing Normal University. We had 8 students who got certificates and awards in different categories. We would like to thank all these students for taking the time on a Saturday to participate in this competition.

The organisers recognised the work and contributions of our Art teachers and sent certificates for Ms. Lily and Mr. D as well! Congratulations to all!

Interschool Football Challenge. Hanova had a football match against Xian International School. It was the second game of the season and, although we were down a few players, the whole team played fantastically. The game was extremely close as both teams are of a similar skill level and, for the majority of the game, none of the teams were able to score. However, in the second half Hanova (Elijah Smith) was able to score a goal and, because of this, we let our guard down for 2 seconds to celebrate and XIS was able to score a goal themselves.

Although the game ended as a tie 1-1, we enjoyed the challenge, and we hope that XIS enjoyed the game as much as we did.

Written by: Kai Trull (Football Team Captain)

Thank you once again for the support from our parents. Under the guidance of our coaches – Mr. Justin Smith, Mr. Jonathan Rice- the team have gone from strength to strength.

Thanks again for your continuing support.


Robert C. Muntzer


Upcoming Events

Please take note of these dates. As soon as they are confirmed, we will inform you about any additional events and activities that may take place in the following weeks:

• Monday, 6th May Year 13 IB Diploma exams begin

• 9th – 10th May PYP Exhibition

• Thursday, 16th May Senior Arts Assembly (lesson 7)

• Friday, 17th May Junior Arts Assembly (lessons 6 & 7)

• Friday, 17th May Primary School Student led conferences

• Thursday, 23rd May Year 13 IB Diploma exams end

• Friday, 24th May Year 13 Diploma Graduation Ceremony

• 27th – 31st May Year 11 Pre-DP Exams

• 27th – 31st May MYP IDU Week

• 27th May – 5th June IB DP 1 Year 12 Examinations

• 3rd – 11th June Year 11 Pre-DP Induction Week

• 6th – 9th June Year 12 DoE Award Excursion

• Wednesday, 12th June MYP Exhibition

• 12th & 13th June MYP Celebration Assemblies

See More Photos