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Year 11 Personal Project Exhibition 2021

On Friday, 12 March, Hanova’s MYP Year 11 students presented their MYP Personal Project exhibition to the Hanova Community. They spent much of day standing by their colorful and detailed exhibits, explaining and presenting the process and results of their projects. Many of Hanova’s parents, teachers and classes were able to visit the exhibition – which revealed months of hard work and planning. Our Year 11 students should be very proud of what they have achieved in this culminating project of their Middle Years study!

Ethan Dowdy: “Electric and Bass Guitars: A brief history and analysis”

Vincent Gibbs: “Inside the NFL”

Dylan Lee: “Coding Program”

Elijah Smith: “Business in Sports”

Albert Kim: “Coding HTML Websites”

Billy Cho: “Eco-friendly House Plan & Website”

Alice Choi: “Korean Culture Website”

Jessica Yoon: “A Study on Happiness”

Angela Li: “Discover Xi’an”

James Lee: “Relationship Between Basketball & Mathematics”

Billy Lee: “Composing a Song About Global Pollution”

Jay Park: “A Study of Environmental Pollution”

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