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The Principal's Newsletter

Hanova’s students exploring Xi’an via EOTC

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

School trips:

Technology. The Y7-9 Technology class had a fantastic morning out under the sun of Xi’an selling their special recipe cookies for their chosen charity (Yellow River Soup Kitchen).

The students started out for their trip last Tuesday heading to the city and finishing off at the Golden Eagle Mall in Gaoxin. When we got there the students seemed a little overwhelmed with the idea they had to go and sell their cookies, but soon got to work.

On arrival at the Golden Eagle, a group of students went into the business block to sell the cookies. After some negotiation with the security, thanks to the assistance of one of our parents, the Golden Eagle were pleased to help out and we were able to sell at a prime location.

The students raised ¥1010 in profit for our chosen charity – a great learning experience for them all.

Aquarium.  On Friday 7th June Nursery/ Reception and Year1 were lucky enough to partake in a field trip to Qujiang Ocean Park. The children were delighted to see many sea animals, as well as polar bears, penguins, sea wolves and many more. We watched a dolphin show and a seal show. The children were amazed to see first hand what they have been studying at school as part of our Unit of Inquiry. Thanks to all the parents who accompanied on the trip, your help was greatly appreciated. I think the adults were more exhausted than the children!

Art Museum. Last Wednesday began the Year 2's field trip to the Shaanxi Provincial Art Museum. The students began exploring the Children’s Art exhibition with cameras to find works of Art that they felt strongly about. The students admired the work of children that were the same age as some of them. The students took some great photos and learned a lot about different types of Art and the way they felt about this Art. We finished off the day with a fun activity at Kai De shopping centre where we got to have Burger King for lunch! It was a great way to complete a wonderful day.

School Prom. On Friday, June 7th, about 40 students from three different international schools in the city met at the newly opened Beach BBQ area of the Kempinski Hotel for the Prom for International Teens in Xi’an. Our theme was “Summer Celebration” and the lovely beach area and the fine weather made this highly appropriate. This event was a great opportunity for international teenagers in Year 9-13 to make new friends, eat good food, dance, and have fun together. Judging from the laughter and smiling faces, it was a great success.

Student Led Conferences. All parents should have received an invitation to the Student Led Conferences, or the Y6 Exhibition or the Y11 Personal Project or the Y13 Extended Essay for next Thursday, 20th June. Please do attend if you possibly can as it lets your child know that you think what they do at school, their learning, is important.  I am sure it will also be a most enjoyable and hopefully revealing experience for you.

School Reports. Your child’s final report of the year should be emailed to you next Friday, 21st June. A printed copy of this will be sent home on the following Wednesday.  If you wish to discuss the contents of your child’s report, staff will be available for consultations in the week beginning 24th June.

Mosaic Workshop. The Hanova Mosaic is taking shape although more slowly than we would like. If parents and children can spare some time to help this Saturday, Art Teacher Mrs Varjavandi will be here from 9.30 – 11.30am and 1.30 – 3.30pm to show you how to make your mark on the mosaic.

Tuesday afternoons 1.30 - 3.30 are also times when parents and friends can come in and help. When it is complete it will be an enduring feature of the Hanova landscape, and it is a great opportunity to involve the entire Hanova community in a major art project.

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events

Saturday, 15th                                          Mosaic workshop 9:30-11:30, 13:30-15:30

Tuesday, 18th                                            Mosaic workshop 13:30-15:30

Thursday, 20th                                          Student Led Conferences

Thursday, 20th                                          Y6 Exhibition, Y11 Personal Project, Y13 Extended Essay

Friday, 21st                                                Second semester reports emailed home

Monday, 24th to Thursday, 27th           Teachers available for Consultations

Wednesday, 26th June                            Graduation evening for Y13s 7pm

Thursday, 27th June                                 School closes for summer holiday 1pm         

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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