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The Principal's Newsletter

Parent School Association (PSA) meeting a success

By Mr Martin Hughes

Dear Parents and

Road Safety Day and French Department. We were very pleased to have the Total Petroleum Company come especially to school on 18th to run an activity morning with the Y4, Y5 and Y6 classes.  The children learned about many aspects of road safety and how to safely plan a journey.  They were also given lots of goodies, such as T shirts.  Total company along with Schneider Electric have an arrangement with us to provide a French Curriculum within our school.  Philippe and Dominique Levy-Valensi run this programme.  The children in the French department join with the rest of the Hanova school community for about half the curriculum.  We are delighted to have them in our school, expanding our internationalism.

International Day. You should have received a letter inviting you to come to our International Day celebrations on Thursday 26th September. We now have 22 nationalities amongst our students, and this day allows us to celebrate the diversity of nationhood.  It will start at 8:55am with a Parade where we hope many of our community and students can parade in clothes that represent their country – this may be traditional dress, national colours or sports kit.

This will be followed by various activities from different countries.  The children will be in mixed age teams and will go round the various activities.  Again parents are welcome to be with their children or just relax in the school. At the end of the day (3:00pm) we will get together to see which team has gained the most points.

A highlight of the day is the lunch (11:50) which will be a shared buffet.  We hope a number of parents can bring in a dish to share.  Many of the parent volunteer group are contributing to this, but I know they would appreciate as many parents as possible making a culinary contribution.

We look forward to seeing you for some or all of the day if you can make it.

Please note there will be no ECAs on 26th September and buses will leave at 3:45pm and not 4:45pm.

New Furniture. The new furniture imported from Germany arrived on Monday this week, ahead of schedule.  This furniture is a great addition to our current stock and means that not only do we not have to swap any chairs but that the school is set up for further growth on into the future.

Parent Volunteer Group. It was lovely to have such a large group of parents come to the first Parent Volunteer Group meeting of the year.  Over 20 people attended and offered all sorts of help to the school.  We are very lucky to have such a committed group of parents.  If you would like to join this group do look out for their next meeting date or contact the teacher organisers or Please also watch out for an e-mail from Mrs Jeannie Rice asking which area you are particularly interested in volunteering in.

Playgroup. This is starting on Tuesday 24th September 3-4:45pm as in the Forthcoming Events this week and last week, and not on Tuesday, 18th as elsewhere in last week’s newsletter.  Apologies for our poor proofreading and especially for anyone inconvenienced by this confusing and incorrect information.

Parent School Association. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our first PSA meeting of the year. The IB focus this month for all parents and guests was an exploration of the IB Learner Profile. After a brief discussion of the 10 Learner Profile traits, parents created lists of behaviours they felt might exemplify the Learner Profile throughout our school. This activity was one step in a process of refining our collective definition of aims. The Learner Profile provides a lens through which we can view our expectations as a school as well as develop strategies to support development in all areas of learning. Earlier in the month, students and teachers were given the opportunity to give their input on this same topic. The collected responses of students, parents, and teachers will now be compiled and shared with all stakeholders for comment and planning of next steps.

Parents raised a number of issues in the meeting that followed including questions about lunch arrangements, the school buses and uniforms.  Please keep an eye out in future newsletters for developments in each of these areas.

Best regards,

Martin Hughes


Forthcoming events

Thursday, 19th &                        School closed for Mid Autumn holiday and

Friday, 20th                                  IB Middle Years training for teachers

Tuesday, 24th                              Playgroup 3-4:45pm

Thursday, 26th                            International Day 8:55-3:35

Thursday, 26th                            Buses return at 3:45pm – no ECAs

Friday, 27th                                  School closes for National Holiday


Monday, 7th                                 School reopens for students

About the Author

Martin Hughes

Former School Principal

Mr Martin Hughes was the founding Principal of Hanova from 2012-15. Prior to his time at Hanova, he already had 23 years of experience as Principal in the UK and China at five different schools - including posts at Wuxi EtonHouse and EtonHouse's flagship Suzhou school. During his time as founding Principal at Hanova, he helped support the initial IB Diploma Programme authorisation (2014) and used his educational vision to help plant our then brand new school on a firm foundation. Under his leadership, Hanova's motto emerged, "Enabling children to become independent, creative and lifelong learners!"

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